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Data and Analytics


The XDC Network’s data and analytics tools are critical for understanding the dynamics of the blockchain. These tools provide detailed insights into how tokens are used, the behavior of smart contracts, and overall network activity. By leveraging these analytics, stakeholders can make informed decisions and optimize their interactions with the network.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Data Collection: Gather detailed metrics on every aspect of the XDC Network.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Tailor analytics dashboards to focus on specific data points relevant to your use case.
  • Predictive Analytics: Use historical data to forecast future trends and identify potential risks.

Use Cases:

  • Business Intelligence: Enterprises can use these insights to refine their blockchain strategies.
  • Development Optimization: Developers can optimize smart contracts based on usage patterns and performance data.

XDCScan - Mainnet


XDCScan is the official block explorer for the XDC Network, providing a user-friendly interface to explore and interact with the blockchain. It allows users to search for transactions, view block details, and explore smart contracts deployed on the network. XDCScan is a vital tool for anyone interacting with the XDC Network, from developers to casual users.

Key Features:

  • Transaction Tracking: Easily track the status of transactions and explore detailed information on each one.
  • Smart Contract Interaction: View and interact with smart contracts directly through the explorer.
  • Network Overview: Access detailed statistics about the XDC Network, including block times, gas usage, and token distributions.

Use Cases:

  • Transparency: Users can verify the details of their transactions and ensure they have been processed correctly.
  • Smart Contract Verification: Developers can use XDCScan to verify the deployment and interaction of smart contracts.

XDCScan Testnet (Apothem)


The Apothem XDCScan is the XDC Network’s official test environment. XDCScan Testnet (Apothem) is the block explorer for this testnet, offering all the features of XDCScan but in a testnet context. It is ideal for developers who want to simulate the mainnet environment as closely as possible before deploying their projects.

Key Features:

  • Testnet Environment: A near-exact replica of the XDC mainnet, but with test XDC (TXDC) for development purposes.
  • Comprehensive Testing: Developers can simulate real-world scenarios and network conditions to ensure their smart contracts and dApps function as expected.
  • Community Testing: A platform for community-driven testing of new features and updates before they are rolled out to the mainnet.

Use Cases:

  • Pre-Mainnet Testing: Ensure smart contracts and applications are fully functional and secure before mainnet deployment.
  • Education and Training: A learning environment for new developers to practice and improve their skills on the XDC Network.

XDCScan Devnet


XDCScan Devnet is a specialized version of XDCScan tailored for the XDC Network’s development environment. It provides a safe and controlled environment for developers to test and debug their smart contracts before deploying them to the mainnet.

Key Features:

  • Safe Testing Environment: Access to a full-featured block explorer in a development setting.
  • Debugging Tools: Enhanced tools for tracking and fixing issues in smart contracts.
  • Seamless Transition to Mainnet: Test and refine smart contracts on the Devnet before migrating them to the mainnet.

Use Cases:

  • Smart Contract Development: Developers can thoroughly test their contracts in a sandbox environment before live deployment.
  • Debugging: Identify and fix bugs in smart contracts using real blockchain data without risking mainnet stability.