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Launch a Subnet


Video Walkthrough

Generate Subnet Configs With UI

  1. Pull script from the generator Github repo

    curl -O
  2. Run the configuration generator, this will start a local webserver

    chmod +x
    cd generated
  3. Go to http://localhost:5210/ in your browser.

    If you are running this on a remote server.

    first use ssh tunnel: ssh -N -L localhost:5210:localhost:5210 USERNAME@IP_ADDRESS -i SERVER_KEY_FILE **if you're using VSCode to SSH, the port might be forwarded to your machine automatically (no need for above step)

  4. Config the Subnet options per your requirement. UI

  5. follow the generated instructions in commands.txt. In general, the steps are:

    • start Subnet Nodes
    • deploy CSC
    • deploy XDC-Zero (optional)
    • start Subnet Services (relayer, stats-server, frontend)
  6. Once successfully deployed, you can check out UI usage guide

Removing Subnet

Shutdown Subnet

Under generated directory

docker compose --env-file docker-compose.env --profile services down 
docker compose --env-file docker-compose.env --profile machine1 down

Deleting Subnet

Remove xdcchain*, bootnodes, and stats-service directories Warning: this cannot be undone

rm -rf xdcchain* bootnodes stats-service